I'm gonna start by saying I hate our society, modern society in general, a society which only cares about material objects, about what's on the surface and don't give a fuck about anything else. Where people treat other people different only because of the color of their skin, their sexual preferences, religion or ideas. Where people is divided by classes, a society that justifies the death of an animal just for the sake of entertainment and where mass media controls our life.
I know I'm part of this "system" I hate so much, but their's nothing I can do about it... so I try to work from the inside, trying to make people a little more conscious about the world that surrounds them. The moment I influence someone to be better, then I can die peacefully. I'm a anti-sexist, anti-racist, anti-facist, anti-nazi, prochoice, prolegalization, anti-heterosexism, straight edge teenager.
And I know what you must be thinking: "Well, his just another "punk" teenager, a rebel without a cause".... well maybe I am one, but I have some ideas of my own. Some people might call me weirdo or freak, but at least I'm a bit conscious about the world I live on, and the people that inhabit it. Like the Bad Religion song says: "Eternity can never change your mind, so think before you die". What's the point of living if your the same as everybody else, if your only a clone... a mindless drone that follows a hive mind.
I'm also open to new ideas and suggestions , because I'm not perfect. I also need to grow as a person, as a human being...
So... if your curious about me... or my ideologies... your welcome to check my blog at any given moment and please leave a comment .
"So long and thanks for all the fish"-